" Broadway quality acting "
- Maren Scriven, American Critics Association

" Kayla Zanakis gives a
phenomenal performance"
- Katherine Hebert, BROADWAY DNA
"Kayla Zanakis might be one of the most positive, motivated people I have ever met... I am hopeful because of people like Kayla. " - Emma Stern, SHESOURCES

A DominiGreek (Dominican mother, Greek father) whose family parties are My Big Fat Greek Wedding meets
In The Heights, and yes, the food is incredible.
How on Earth do you pronounce her last name? Very simple equation.
Zach Galifinakis - ch - Galifi = Zanakis
(Yes, both their families are from Crete, and no, they're not related...to Kayla's knowledge).
After Hurricane Maria hit the island of Puerto Rico, Kayla started a three-tier activism organization called
Artists in Action at NYU, a service organization dedicated to giving back to domestic and international needs.
First-generation college student who took 10 AP classes in high school, attended her dream school on a full-ride scholarship and graduated at the age of 20.
Deeply believes that community is everything. From connecting with folks in an honest and present way to developing work to performing, every step must involve both the community of artists and the audience community. The magic of acting both in theatre and film comes from a union of presence.
Ocean lover who dives off the coast of Miami to explore shipwrecks up to 100 feet deep
(working on her night diving and free diving certification).
what her resume doesn't tell you...
past projects
past projects
past projects

What's next?
What's next?
What's next?

Semi-Finalist NBC Nosotros Ya Tu Sabes Monologue Slam

Community Connector Award at NYU Tisch
President's Service Award
Best Actor Award at NYU Tisch
Kayla is playing Whitney in Heaven is a Place in the Sky, happening at the Tank, September 3-8
Whenever she has time, Kayla will try to perfect her one hand cartwheel
Broadway World Runner-Up Best New Musical: This Old Haunt